Sunday, June 15, 2008

I Cheated!

Yup its true.
Last night I cheated.

But not in the way you might think. I didn't cheat with ice cream, or chocolate, or candy, or pizza. I just had more than what I was supposed to.

My evening snack I had seconds on and I also had twice the portion for lunch. All healthy options but my calories aren't as low as they should have been.

It's a cheat but it is still a win. See I could have gone off the deep end and had pasta, ice cream and pizza, but I didn't. And even though this isn't the ideal situation, I did cheat but did so in a supportive way.

I felt bad about it for about ten minutes then realized that this is a huge step in the right direction for me moving forward. I am halfway through this phase of the program and am doing great mentally and physically. I took measurements today. My pictures show difference and there is some difference with circumference measurements and weight but not so much on the body fat percentage (although the measurements were lower not enough to drop percentages in body fat). Here are my current pictures:

Here are my pictures from two weeks ago:

My current weight is 198

My circumference measurements are:

Hips 38,5
Waist 30
Thigh 23.5
Arm 14
At the end of the last phase they were:
Hips 39
Waist 31
Thigh 23.5
Arm 13.75
Not a lot of loss, but I think the pictures show the biggest changes. I am also wearing a loose size 34 pants which I haven't worn a 'loose' size 34 since junior high school.
At this point I'm not so sure I care about what the numbers are showing, although mostly good, and I would like to see the body fat drop, I am pleased how far I have come with this program and how things are coming together physically.

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