Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Feeling Good

I kind of like this new plan.

I am actually finding myself having a bit more variety than I have in the past.

Don't get me wrong I am finding myself reaching for similar foods, but now the combinations I am putting together are coming out quite great.

Workouts again are leaving me drenched. Running is something I haven't done in a while so my calves are a bit sore (Thank god for the foam roller).

I'm seeing differences too. I know it is only day 3 but with this accelerated program, I am noticing some changes on my body. The best one is my abs are poking out more.

I'm going to be measuring weekly so I will have updated measurements after the weekend.

Oh, right the weekend. Not looking forward to that. No cheat meal, not looking forward to that either. I'm going to have to be strong here because going without a cheat meal for 28 days is not something I have done or like to do (gotta have my ice cream). This may be my biggest challenge yet. The good news is I know I can control it because it really is all in my head.

The evil demon in my head that is.

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