Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Funny Thing

Well, I call it funny.

We rely on a machine to tell us whether we are doing well or not, rather than finding out for ourselves.

I'm talking about the scale. We feel good, we fit into clothes that we haven't in months, but all is forgotten if the scale hasn't changed.

It's a funny thing.

Workouts are going great. In the midst of week two of my workout plan. Full steam ahead.

Nutrition isn't a problem either. Of course, during the week, I am programmed and regimented. The weekends are the big challenge, and I will be away all day on Saturday. I have been thinking already about what I will be taking with me for snacks. I can't rely on someone else. This is something that I must be in control of (a bit of a control freak).

I have added Venison to my regimen this week as it is VERY lean and high in protein.

I've moved forward to the 40% carb, 40% protein, and 20% fat regimen in my nutrition plan. I tried to add more carbs but realize this might be counterproductive to my goals. I will stick with this and adjust when the time is needed.

I feel like I could conquer the world after a weekend of supportive eating and exercise.

You know what else is funny?


It can take you far in either direction. But when it is in the opposite direction you want to go, it is called a free fall.

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