Saturday, March 29, 2008

Food a focal point?

Weighed myself yesterday before my workout as I did when I started. I am now 208 and have lost 9 pounds in four weeks. That is a little over 2 pounds a week. Great news. I will be measuring body fat and circumference measurements tomorrow (I weighed myself early because I don't have a scale at home). I'm pretty excited about what the outcome is going to be and am looking forward to the next four weeks of continued results.

I talked to a couple of my clients about a mindshift in thinking when it comes to food. Food is such a focal point in so many social events and our lives. I think we often tend to lose the real reason we wish to get together with friends and focus too much on the food.

Instead of focusing on food so much, focus on your friends and the good times you have. Food doesn't have to be a focal point. Visit with your friends and enjoy the moment.

The only non-renewable resource we have is time. Once it is gone we NEVER get it back.

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