Sunday, March 16, 2008

Another Challenge

I had to plan my first whole day away from home this weekend. I went to a conference in Boston and I left at 330 in the morning. Here is what I ate:

Breakfast: Kashi Good Friends cereal, milk, sprouted grain toast with peanut butter (natural)

AM Snack: plum, Prograde Craver

AM Snack #2 (since I ate breakfast at 330 in the morning, I had two snacks so I could eat every three hours): Prograde Lean Meal Replacement shake

Lunch: Turkey sandwich on wheat, Prograde Craver

PM Snack: 4 egg whites, plum

Dinner Chicken Breast Sandwich on sprouted grain bread.

There were a lot of temptations at this conference even though it was for fitness professionals. Bagels, muffins and other items I kept away from. In the lunch they provided, I avoided the bag of chips but did have the turkey on wheat sandwich. This was a good day. I think my biggest challenge was getting enough water which I believe I did a pretty good job of but it could have been better.

Week 3 is starting of this program. I have a lot of momentum going right now and feel like I cannot be stopped. In two weeks we will see how the numbers have changed.

One more thing, I think for my cardio on Saturday or Sunday I will train with kettlebells. I am contemplating becoming as a kettlebell instructor, so if I do plan on this, I need to get some more hours under the iron.

My kettlebell workout for today:

Warmed up with Turkish Get ups

5 rounds of 1 minute two handed swings with 24 kilogram kettlebell and 30 seconds rest.

5 rounds of 1 minute Burpee kettlebell unilateral clean and press with 16 kilogram kettlebell (30 seconds rest).

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