Sunday, March 30, 2008

Week 4 The Results So Far

So the results are in after four weeks.

Weight at start: 217
Weight now: 208

Circumference Measurements at start:

Hip 41.25
Waist 34.5
Thigh 25
Arm 13.5

Measurements now:
Hip 40.5
Waist 32.5
Thigh 24.5
Arm 13.5

Total loss of 3.25 inches

Body fat at start 21%
Bod fat now: 19.5%

Now for the current picture vs. the before picture

Before Pictures

And the current pictures:

So far I am pleased with progress but realize I still have a long way to go. I am going to tweak my numbers a bit nutritionally and move forward. I will also be starting a new workout program this week to further my progress. Last time I started a program like this I wasn't as structred as I am now and this is the point where I stopped. I'm excited to see how far I can take this.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Food a focal point?

Weighed myself yesterday before my workout as I did when I started. I am now 208 and have lost 9 pounds in four weeks. That is a little over 2 pounds a week. Great news. I will be measuring body fat and circumference measurements tomorrow (I weighed myself early because I don't have a scale at home). I'm pretty excited about what the outcome is going to be and am looking forward to the next four weeks of continued results.

I talked to a couple of my clients about a mindshift in thinking when it comes to food. Food is such a focal point in so many social events and our lives. I think we often tend to lose the real reason we wish to get together with friends and focus too much on the food.

Instead of focusing on food so much, focus on your friends and the good times you have. Food doesn't have to be a focal point. Visit with your friends and enjoy the moment.

The only non-renewable resource we have is time. Once it is gone we NEVER get it back.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Home Stretch Part 1

This is close to the end of the first phase of my program. I will be measuring this weekend as well as taking pictures.

Here are some things I have noticed:

Looser clothes. My jeans are fitting more comfortably and the notch I used to be at on my belt is now reachable again.

Boost of confidence. I feel more accomplished each day and feel like I have more confidence

Sense of direction. I don't find my mind wandering, I am focused and a taskmaster (more than before)

I can see my abs again. That itself boosts confidence.

With all of these results before the numbers, I know I am doing things right. But I also know I will not yet be at my goal. This will serve as motivation to move forward and progress toward my endpoint. I am more fired up now than ever.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

One more week

In one week I will re-assess how far I have come and what my new plan will be.

I will be planning new nutritional goals as well as new exercise goals. I can feel my body starting to get used to the workouts as well as the nutritional regimen.

I have also noticed that I am starting to see my abs again. Always a good feeling.

After this week the honeymoon is over.

Saturday's WOD

Kettlebell Snatch x 15 each arm (using RKC standard weight for men: 53lb or 24 kilo)
Tuck Jumps x 15

Completed six rounds in a little over 16 minutes.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


They are really everywhere.

I had my first close call the past few days.

My mother in law had come up to visit and she cooks like your typical mid-westerner: butter, crisco, hold everything else.

Of course I'm being sarcastic, but she cooked for my wife all weekend and there were always left overs. So I was tempted beyond belief in my own house.

The house in which I have 'bulletproofed' from these temptations. But what do you say to someone who refuses to listen?

The way I look at it is that this weekends challenge has made me stronger in the long run so that I will be able to say no easier. This weekend I think my wife and I will be going out to eat for our cheat meal. You know what that means... no ice cream!

Just when you surpass one challenge, another comes along. I guess that is life!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Another Challenge

I had to plan my first whole day away from home this weekend. I went to a conference in Boston and I left at 330 in the morning. Here is what I ate:

Breakfast: Kashi Good Friends cereal, milk, sprouted grain toast with peanut butter (natural)

AM Snack: plum, Prograde Craver

AM Snack #2 (since I ate breakfast at 330 in the morning, I had two snacks so I could eat every three hours): Prograde Lean Meal Replacement shake

Lunch: Turkey sandwich on wheat, Prograde Craver

PM Snack: 4 egg whites, plum

Dinner Chicken Breast Sandwich on sprouted grain bread.

There were a lot of temptations at this conference even though it was for fitness professionals. Bagels, muffins and other items I kept away from. In the lunch they provided, I avoided the bag of chips but did have the turkey on wheat sandwich. This was a good day. I think my biggest challenge was getting enough water which I believe I did a pretty good job of but it could have been better.

Week 3 is starting of this program. I have a lot of momentum going right now and feel like I cannot be stopped. In two weeks we will see how the numbers have changed.

One more thing, I think for my cardio on Saturday or Sunday I will train with kettlebells. I am contemplating becoming as a kettlebell instructor, so if I do plan on this, I need to get some more hours under the iron.

My kettlebell workout for today:

Warmed up with Turkish Get ups

5 rounds of 1 minute two handed swings with 24 kilogram kettlebell and 30 seconds rest.

5 rounds of 1 minute Burpee kettlebell unilateral clean and press with 16 kilogram kettlebell (30 seconds rest).

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Funny Thing

Well, I call it funny.

We rely on a machine to tell us whether we are doing well or not, rather than finding out for ourselves.

I'm talking about the scale. We feel good, we fit into clothes that we haven't in months, but all is forgotten if the scale hasn't changed.

It's a funny thing.

Workouts are going great. In the midst of week two of my workout plan. Full steam ahead.

Nutrition isn't a problem either. Of course, during the week, I am programmed and regimented. The weekends are the big challenge, and I will be away all day on Saturday. I have been thinking already about what I will be taking with me for snacks. I can't rely on someone else. This is something that I must be in control of (a bit of a control freak).

I have added Venison to my regimen this week as it is VERY lean and high in protein.

I've moved forward to the 40% carb, 40% protein, and 20% fat regimen in my nutrition plan. I tried to add more carbs but realize this might be counterproductive to my goals. I will stick with this and adjust when the time is needed.

I feel like I could conquer the world after a weekend of supportive eating and exercise.

You know what else is funny?


It can take you far in either direction. But when it is in the opposite direction you want to go, it is called a free fall.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Weekend

This is by far the most difficult part of this entire program for me.

But, I will not be phased by mindless thinking and ridiculous eating.

My weekend menu:

Breakfast- 1.5 cups Kashi Go Lean cereal, 1 cup milk, 1 slice sprouted grain bread with 2 tablespoons natural peanut butter

AM Snack: Prograde Lean Meal Replacement Shake

Lunch: Chicken Breast sandwich on sprouted grain bread (chicken was boneless skinless chicken breast), 2 servings yellow corn organic tortilla chips

PM Snack: 4 egg whites, 1 cup grapes

Dinner: Venison Burger (two patties) on sprouted grain bread (2 slices), 1 cup of Flounder and Spinach Florentine, 1 cup milk

Breakfast: 2 egg white sandwiches with 1.5 ounces sharp cheddar cheese (4 slices sprouted grain bread) 1 cup egg whites.

Lunch (3 hours later): Whole wheat wrap with spinach, chicken breast (4 ounces), fat free shredded cheese, 1/2 pickle, 2 servings of yellow corn organic chips

PM Snack: Prograde Lean

Dinner: 1 cup Vegetable Bake, 1 cup milk, a meat source (not sure what yet)

I also did a Saturday cardio session of snowshoeing in heavy snow!

If I can get my weekends under control like this one, there is no stopping me. Even when I was my leanest last year, my weekends were still chaotic. I think that will be the secret to my success.

Friday, March 7, 2008

The First Day

Ok, so this is my first day on my journey. I am a fitness professional but like many others I also struggle with parts of a healthy lifestyle. I don't have a problem with exercise, because I love it. But I also love food. My challenge will be to continue to eat supportively thorughout this process but also maintain a healthy plan and incorporate cheat meals on occasion. I have played around a bit with specific menus in the past but haven't stuck with it after 8 weeks or so. This time I'm going to follow through to the end.

My goal is to be 190 pounds with 5% body fat by the summer. I have 12 weeks until Memorial Day. Here are my current stats as of Monday March 3rd 2008:

Weight: 217

Body fat: 21% (crazy, haven't been this bad since college)

Circumference measurements:
Hip 41.25
Waist- 34.5
Thigh- 25
Arm- 13.5

I realize that I don't have as far to go as others and my before pictures may look like I'm in fine shape.

But I'm not satisfied.
During this journey, the only supplementation I will be taking is Protein, and a multivitamin, and I may take some Fish Oil. Thats it.

Here is what I did for exercising so far this week:

Monday Weight Training

Squats 3x15
T-Push ups 3x8 each side

Step ups 3x15 each side
Seated Row to neck 3x15

Ball Crunches 3x15
Supine Hip Extension Leg Curl on ball 3x15

The exercises above were paired together. I used a slow and controlled tempo, and rested for 60 seconds after each set. After completing the set and rest, I moved to the second exercise in the superset. This workout took me about 40 minutes

Tuesday: Interval Training

Warm up 3 minutes
High Intensity 1 minute, low intensity for 2 minutes. I repeated this cycle four times for a total workout time of 12 minutes.
My mode of training today was snowshoeing

Wednesday Workout: Weight Training

Deadlift 3x20
Military Press 3x20

Bulgarian Split Squats 3x20 each leg
Dumbbell Pullover 3x20

Hip Thigh Extension 3x20 each
Physioball Jacknife 3x10

Prone Cobra 1x60second hold

Followed same format at Mondays workout

Thursdays workout: Same as Tuesdays workout

Fridays workout: same as Mondays workout

Nutrition: I will consume between 2000 and 2300 calories daily. This is a 20% reduction from my maintenance calories. I will also consume 49% carbs, 31% protein, and 20% fat during the first four weeks (or get as close as I can).

Mondays Menu:
VGF25+ for Men multivitamin
Breakfast: 1.5 cups Kashi Go Lean
1 cup skim milk
1 slice sprouted grain toast
2 tablespoons natural peanut butter

AM Snack: 4 egg whites, 1 orange

Lunch: 2 slices sprouted grain bread, 4 ounces chicken breast in sandwich, Prograde Craver

PM Snack: Prograde Lean Meal Replacement Shake

Dinner: 6 ounces chicken breast, 1.5 cups broccoli, 1 cup milk

PM Snack: Prograde Craver

Breakfast: same as Monday
AM Snack: Prograde Lean Meal Replacement Shake
Lunch: Same as Monday
PM Snack: 4 egg whites, 2 kiwis
Dinner: 2 Egg white omelets, .5 cup black beans, .5 cup fat free cheese, 1 cup milk, 1 cup salsa

Same as Monday except dinner was 5 ounces fish, 1 cup milk, 1.25 cups whole wheat pasta and no 2nd PM Snack

Same as Tuesday except PM snack was 4 egg whites, 1 kiwi, 1 orange and dinner was 5 cups spinach, .5 cups black beans, 2 tablespoons low fat parmesean cheese, 3 tablespoons light italian dressing, 2 carrots, 4 ounces chicken breast, and 1 cup milk.

I'm averaging about 2100 calories for the week and my percentages are averaging around 42% carbs, 38% protein, and 20% fat. Not a bad start.