Monday, April 14, 2008

Lessoned Learned This Weekend

This weekend I was with my son for 12 hours


Now that probably doesn't sound too bad except that he is 12 weeks old, and I know
less than nothing about taking care of infants.

Well, it didn't go too bad. Why? Well I had a plan.

I planned on getting several things done while being with him. But I had to do it strategically because he got bored easily and would let me know it by crying.

So I recognized the things that worked:

Putting him in the front carrier and walking around with him until he fell asleep.
Putting him in the swing and placed him so he could see me while I did work.
I would vaccuum the carpets (he loves that).

And sometimes I did a combination of those things.

The other part was planning his feedings, and planning his diaper changes.

I planned to feed him every two hours, and change his diaper three to four times depending upon what I thought he needed.

I also had to plan some other times when the above techniques didn't work on his fussiness.

I added playtime and bathtime.

Now I wouldn't say it worked like a charm, but I think it went about as smoothly as it possibly could have considering my vast experience (as noted previously) with infants.

Now you are probably asking why in the heck am I talking about taking care of my son on this blog.

All day I was able to stay compliant nutritionally, ok well that isn't the take home message here.

The take home message is that despite how big the obstacle may be, with a little planning, you can be successful even with the tallest tasks.

No time, is an excuse for a lack of drive and a lack of effort. We all have the same amount of time in a day, it all depends on how we use it and what our priorities are.

My priorities, my son, my health. I accomplished both successfully in the same day.

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