Monday, April 28, 2008

Results of Phase 2

The results are in, and I must say I am pleasantly surprised. I hadn't recognized a dramatic change as I did after phase 1. But as you will see, the results numerically and physically are obvious.

There were many challenges especially with nutrtition during this phase:

Constant temptation (more than usual)
Warm weather/spring fever

But the fact is those challenges are always going to be there. I need to refocus during those tough times and remember why I go through this on a daily basis.

As I move into the next phase of the program, this will become even more important.

Here are my current pictures:

And here are my pictures from the end of phase 1:

And now for my measurements:

Previous weight: 208
Current weight: 205

Previous Body Fat: 19.5%
Current Body Fat: 17%

Previous Circumference Measurements:
Hips: 40.5
Waist: 32.5
Thigh: 24.5
Arm: 13.5

Current Circumference Measurements:
Hips: 39
Waist: 31.75
Thigh: 23.75
Arm: 14

Total loss in 4 weeks: 3.5 inches

This is a picture perfect display as to why we should not just look at the scale for our results.

Next nutritional phase:

Low day- calories cut by 30% with 20% carbs, 30% fat, 50% protein; follow this for four days
High day- calories cut by 10 % with 5o% carbs, 30% protein, and 20% fat; follow this for one day, then go back to low day for four days. I will post my new workout later.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Been a while: Final Week of Phase 2

I apologize as it has been a while.

Moving, business projects have gotten in the way of being able to post as much as I like.

Over the past two weeks I have noticed that I am finding myself craving things like carbs!

I don't think I have ever had this temptation before.

Sometimes I have given in and sometimes I haven't. And while I know all the 'giving in' choices were supportive choices, I know that my calories and my percentages were off.

Despite that, the majority of the time over the past four weeks have been supportive and I have seen further results.

I have had to change my interval days: no more snowshoeing, so I have incorporated more 'bootcamp style' workouts.

Tuesday I did:

12 Kettlebell Snatches each arm
10 Lateral Box Hops each side (I actually jumped laterally over a canoe).

Today I plan on doing:

Tire flips and jumps x 10
Double Kettlebell Snatches x 12

Time to get a little nasty with this.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Lessoned Learned This Weekend

This weekend I was with my son for 12 hours


Now that probably doesn't sound too bad except that he is 12 weeks old, and I know
less than nothing about taking care of infants.

Well, it didn't go too bad. Why? Well I had a plan.

I planned on getting several things done while being with him. But I had to do it strategically because he got bored easily and would let me know it by crying.

So I recognized the things that worked:

Putting him in the front carrier and walking around with him until he fell asleep.
Putting him in the swing and placed him so he could see me while I did work.
I would vaccuum the carpets (he loves that).

And sometimes I did a combination of those things.

The other part was planning his feedings, and planning his diaper changes.

I planned to feed him every two hours, and change his diaper three to four times depending upon what I thought he needed.

I also had to plan some other times when the above techniques didn't work on his fussiness.

I added playtime and bathtime.

Now I wouldn't say it worked like a charm, but I think it went about as smoothly as it possibly could have considering my vast experience (as noted previously) with infants.

Now you are probably asking why in the heck am I talking about taking care of my son on this blog.

All day I was able to stay compliant nutritionally, ok well that isn't the take home message here.

The take home message is that despite how big the obstacle may be, with a little planning, you can be successful even with the tallest tasks.

No time, is an excuse for a lack of drive and a lack of effort. We all have the same amount of time in a day, it all depends on how we use it and what our priorities are.

My priorities, my son, my health. I accomplished both successfully in the same day.

Monday, April 7, 2008


This phase is proving to be challenging. More the food than the workouts. As I said before the workouts aren't the tough part.

This past week wasn't the best for me. I had fallen asleep on the couch one night last week, then woke up and headed right for the kitchen, and before I was fully awake, I was munching on peanuts and reeces pieces (used for my cheat meal once per week).

I was quite upset with myself but got over it pretty quickly.

Then this weekend I think I weathered the storm so to speak.

I helped a friend of ours move and we went out to dinner afterwards where I had a 'cheat meal', my second of the week (well third if you count the mindless eating).

What I am happy about is I felt a lot of temptation this weekend outside of those meals to cheat more, but I resisted. It is so very easy to get lured into a trap of making one meal turn into a whole day of eating like crap.

So I am moving forward and forgetting about this weekend, because there is nothing I can do about it:)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

New Workout

I have started the next phase of the program I am currently running through.
I thought I would share my workout:

Day 1- I perform these in supersets the same way I did the last workout. However from one exercise to the next there is no rest until all three are completed.

Partial Co-Con Lunge 4 sets 15 reps 313 tempo 0s rest
Wide Grip Seated Row 4 sets 12 reps 311 tempo 0s rest
Romanian Deadlift 4 sets 12 reps 311 tempo 90 seconds rest

Incline Bench Press 3 sets 12 reps 313 tempo 0 rest (will work up to four sets in this second group)
DB Step ups 3 sets 12 reps each side 311 tempo 0 rest
Reverse Crunch 3 sets 12 reps 311 tempo 90s rest

Day 2

Jump Squat 4 sets 12 reps 31X tempo 0 rest
DB Push Press 4 sets 12 reps 31X tempo 0 rest
Good Morning 4 sets 12 reps 311 tempo 90s rest

Wide Grip Pull Down 3 sets 15 reps 313 tempo 0 rest (will work up to four sets in this group)
Static Lunge 3 sets 12 reps each side 311 tempo 0 rest
UB Russian Twist 3 sets 12 reps 202 tempo 90 s rest

Prone Cobra lift and hold for 120 seconds (I got 102 seconds today, will improve every day on this)

I am also doing two days of interval training (still snowshoeing) and one day of bootcamp/kettlebell training.